Millions of PCs Left Exposed As Users Fail to Update Popular Programs


Users Fail to Update Major Programs, Leaving Networks and Endpoints Exposed

According to The Cyber Security Hub, millions of computers are running outdated versions of multiple popular software programs.  This is highly concerning from a cyber security standpoint, as updates are used to patch known security holes.  If these holes are left unpatched, hackers know exactly how to execute a malware attack exploiting these vulnerabilities.

Whether you’re a home user or corporate network leaving these programs outdated — it is a problem.  However, the costs may be far greater for a business network.  If any business endpoints have at least one of these popular programs downloaded, there is a high likelihood it is outdated – how high will depend on the actual program.  Not only could this outdated program put that endpoint at risk for malicious cyber attacks, but could also lead to penetration of the entire company’s network through one compromised computer.

Keeping third-party applications and operating systems updated is incredibly important, although is clearly lacking priority.  Whether your a home user or IT administrator or anyone in between, it’s imperative updates for all third-party applications, regardless of popularity, are completed timely.  In several cases, this is one priority that gets put on the back-burner because the IT staff doesn’t have the immediate time to address each update, or the user is in the middle of a task and doesn’t want to have to reboot the PC to finalize the update.  However, there’s an easier way — and better yet, it’s entirely automated.

PC Matic includes patch management services in conjunction with its antivirus program.  Why?  Because they understand addressing cyber security threats goes beyond blocking malware.  It also includes proactively patching security gaps hackers may easily use to exploit the system.  You can learn more about PC Matic’s patch management services here.

Source: PC Pit Stop

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