Thrice celebrated the 15th anniversary of their hit album Vheissu at Marquee Theatre

American rock quartet Thrice celebrated the 15th anniversary of their hit album Vheissu with a tour, and made a stop in Arizona at the Marquee Theater on February 24, 2020. Fans lined up more than 3 hours before the doors opened, anticipating the chance to see the band live, and hear the album at it’s best which many people claim helped them get through many issues of life.

The night kicked off with Arizona local band Holy Fawn performing a four song set. With their opening song “Dark Stone” running for at least six minutes as well as the remaining songs following suit, the crowd was intrigued by the groups impressive sound, performance and ambience. The band has a very melodic sound and hints of thrash/black metal with Ryan Osterman (vocals), Austin Reinholz (drums, vocals), Evan Phelps (guitar), and Alexander Rieth (bass). These guys are definitely worth looking into and exploring their small yet growing catalogue. Follow Holy Fawn on Facebook and Instagram for show updates.

The evening shifted to a faster pace of punk combined with grunge when Drug Church took the stage. Formed in Albany, NY, Drug Church’s most recent album, “Cheer” (2018), was the staple of their 9 song setlist. Patrick Kindlon (vocals) displays somewhat of a focused, militant stage presence as the band kicks off with “Grubby” (Cheer, 2018) after a brief sound check. The guitars riffs from Nick Cogan and Cory Galusha and the bass from Patrick Wynne got the crowd moving with the beat from drummer Chris Villeneuve. Check out the cynical, real world songs of Drug Church by following on Facebook and Instagram.

The beautiful thing about concerts is the exposure to new music and finding new bands to follow and learn about. There is always the chance that the exposure was a one time only experience. Fans of mewithoutYou  may have had their last or only chance to see the band live. I notice the drummer and founding member Rick Mazzotta wearing headphones during the eleven song set. I learned this is the last year mewithoutYou will be performing their music journey due to several reasons, mainly Mazzotta experiencing the loss of his hearing. The passion and focus Mazzotta had when pounding the drums was never lost, and I as well as the fans that filled the Marquee wish him the all the best in his future. “mewithoutYou” has 20 years of music history and the setlist consisted of plenty of fan favorites. Aaron Weiss (vocals) opens with “Mexican War Streets” with a poetic stage presence. They’re set ended with “Torches Together” with Weiss kneeling at the base of the mic. Was this the last time Arizona will see mewithoutYou? Expect a farewell tour at the end of 2020, follow them on Facebook and Instagram for dates and locations.

The fourth and final band of the night was headliner Thrice performing Vheissu: 15 year anniversary tour. Formed in 1998 from Irvine, CA, Thrice has gained a following of fans who all will say how much the music got them through something; highschool, depression, break-ups, relationships…the music of Thrice does not lack emotion or meaning. Vheissu was released in October 2005 and made its way into the mainstream rock charts.

The setlist was Vheissu album performed in its entirety. Dustin Kensrue (vocals) carries his voice just as well as his studio recording, some will say the music is even better live. Not one chord was missed by Teppei Teranishi (guitar, keyboards) and Eddie Breckenridge (bass, synthesizer), drummer Riley Breckenridge hit every beat. The Marquee crowd was singing along to every song to the well known album. Crowd surfers were making it over the rail before the first song “Image Of The Invincible” was finished.

The show did not end with the songs of Vheissu. Tracks from the B sides “Weight Of Glory”, “Lullaby” and “Flags Of Dawn” were included in the set, along with top charting track “Black Honey” (To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere, 2016). The night ended with an encore of “Words In The Water” (Major/Minor, 2011) and fans trying to grab copies of the setlist, guitar picks and drumsticks. We will all agree that Thrice puts on one of the most well played shows.

All bands’ music is available on streaming services and respective websites.


Image Of The Invincible
Between The End And Where We Lie
The Earth Will Shake
For Miles
Hold Fast Hope
Music Box
Like Moths To Flame
Of Dust And Nations
Stand And Feel Your Worth
Red Sky
Weight Of Glory
Flags Of Dawn
Black Honey
Words In The Water

Mexican War Streets
Bethlehem, WV
Disaster Tourism
Messes Of Men
Fox’s Dream Of The Log Flume
New Wine, New Skins
Tie Me Up! Untie Me!
Another Head For Hydra
Torches Together

Strong References
But Does It Work
Bliss Out
Unlicensed Guidance Counsellor
Banco Popular
Unlicensed Hall Monitor
Weed Pin

Dark Stone
Blood Pact


Me Without You

Drug Church

Holy Fawn

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