A small business in Tempe called The Flow Shop is making face masks while the CDC was debating if masks are effective.
In the recent past what was once a costume shop for festivals, The Flow Shop located in Tempe has turned the business into making face masks. Shop owner Nathan Machutta has a fashion line of making in store designs for rave and festival patrons, but it was when his 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia he decided to create a mask for her that had a little more protection. “Being protected from other people is a difficult, complex situation”, explains Nathan. “It’s not just a matter of aerosols, it’s also a matter of what you are touching and how often you are touching your face. I am not a scientist but from my research, the two layers of cotton and an inner fleece liner, you can expect at least 20-40% filtration on the incoming and it has been proven scientifically that the person’s ability to transmit disease to someone else, the efficiency of a mask doubles.” Since none of us know if we are asymptomatic, Nathan considers wearing a mask as social courtesy and respect to others, and to wear one while in public places. Currently, Nathan is working with the Arizona Cancer Support network to donate and distribute masks. You can support Nathan and The Flow Shop by purchasing a mask at firelightfashions.com or calling 480-287-0457.

According to Dr. Deborah Birx from the Coronavirus Task Force, it should be made clear that wearing a mask should not provide a false sense of security. During the April 2, 2020 briefing, Dr. Birx was explaining that social distancing and washing your hands was the most important step everyone can do to protect themselves and others. She also explained during the briefing, quote “We don’t want people to get an artificial sense of protection because they’re behind a mask. Because if they are touching things, remember your eyes are not in the mask. So if you are touching things then touching your eyes, you are exposing things in the same way. So we do not want people to feel like “Oh I am wearing a mask I’m protected and I’m protecting others…’ You may be protecting others, but don’t get a false sense of security that the mask is protecting you because there are other ways you can get infected because of the number of mild cases and asymptomatic cases out there.” On April 3, 2020 President Trump announced during the Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing the CDC updated with a recommendation to voluntarily wear a face covering while in public.

Wearing a mask in public as an additive is already being practiced in places like the Czech Republic and has created a movement to share with the world with a single hashtag; #masks4all. A video on youtube with over 4 million views is being shared world wide with over 18 thousand hashtag shares on instagram. They’re phrase line is “I protect you, you protect me”. Youtube video from masks4all.org states: A KEY ARGUMENT FOR USING HOMEMADE MASKS:
Homemade masks are partly effective in individual protection, but they are essential for slowing the spread of the virus in the population. The main outcome of our studies was that they stop around 95-100% of viruses that people emit by your breath, sneezing, and coughing. People are the most contagious first days without symptoms, that’s why we need masks for all.

While the CDC has not issued requirements or guidelines for wearing masks or face coverings, it is important to use common sense while using them. Wash your hands before and after putting a mask or face covering on. Do not touch your mask then your eyes. Try not to touch the mask while wearing it. The mask is collecting germs that you would be breathing in as well as breathing out. Dispose masks properly. Wash homemade masks in between usage. Practice social distancing and continue to wash your hands.